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Unravel Me
Cover of Unravel Me
Unravel Me
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The thrilling second installment in New York Times bestselling author Tahereh Mafi's Shatter Me series.

It should have taken Juliette a single touch to kill Warner. But his mysterious immunity to her deadly power has left her shaken, wondering why her ultimate defense mechanism failed against the person she most needs protection from.

She and Adam were able to escape Warner's clutches and join up with a group of rebels, many of whom have powers of their own. Juliette will finally be able to actively fight against The Reestablishment and try to fix her broken world. And perhaps these new allies can help her shed light on the secret behind Adam's—and Warner's—immunity to her killer skin.

Juliette's world is packed with high-stakes action and tantalizing romance, perfect for fans of the Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard and the Darkest Minds trilogy by Alexandra Bracken.

Ransom Riggs, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, raved: "A thrilling, high-stakes saga of self-discovery and forbidden love, the Shatter Me series is a must-read for fans of dystopian young-adult literature—or any literature!"

This bestselling series from powerhouse author Tahereh Mafi showcases relentlessly thrilling action, heart-stopping romance, and a war-torn world in which rebellion is the only path to freedom.

And don't miss Watch Me, the first book in a new series in the Shatter Me universe set ten years after the fall of The Reestablishment, on sale in April 2025!

The thrilling second installment in New York Times bestselling author Tahereh Mafi's Shatter Me series.

It should have taken Juliette a single touch to kill Warner. But his mysterious immunity to her deadly power has left her shaken, wondering why her ultimate defense mechanism failed against the person she most needs protection from.

She and Adam were able to escape Warner's clutches and join up with a group of rebels, many of whom have powers of their own. Juliette will finally be able to actively fight against The Reestablishment and try to fix her broken world. And perhaps these new allies can help her shed light on the secret behind Adam's—and Warner's—immunity to her killer skin.

Juliette's world is packed with high-stakes action and tantalizing romance, perfect for fans of the Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard and the Darkest Minds trilogy by Alexandra Bracken.

Ransom Riggs, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, raved: "A thrilling, high-stakes saga of self-discovery and forbidden love, the Shatter Me series is a must-read for fans of dystopian young-adult literature—or any literature!"

This bestselling series from powerhouse author Tahereh Mafi showcases relentlessly thrilling action, heart-stopping romance, and a war-torn world in which rebellion is the only path to freedom.

And don't miss Watch Me, the first book in a new series in the Shatter Me universe set ten years after the fall of The Reestablishment, on sale in April 2025!

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About the Author-
  • Tahereh Mafi is the #1 international bestselling and National Book Award–nominated author of over a dozen books, including the Shatter Me series, the Woven Kingdom series, A Very Large Expanse of Sea, and An Emotion of Great Delight. Her books have been translated into over thirty languages. She lives in Southern California with her husband, fellow author Ransom Riggs, and their daughter. You can find her online at

  • School Library Journal

    July 1, 2013

    Gr 8 Up-This sequel to Shatter Me (HarperCollins, 2011) continues the story of Juliette as she struggles to come to terms with her gift as well as her status as "freedom fighter" against the despotic government. She has no experience with group dynamics, having been in various prisons and mental institutions since she was a young child, so she is having issues with living in a group environment like the rebel headquarters. She is also not comfortable with calling her abilities a gift and is reluctant to train. Juliette has to do a lot of growing up in this story, figuring out how to harness her abilities, how to stand on her own, and how to deal with the consequences of her actions. Added to the mix is the love triangle with the two men who are the only ones who can touch her... the one she wants and the one she doesn't... or does she? Prior knowledge of the first book is mandatory for an understanding of this one. However, its fans will enjoy following Juliette's life and watching her mature. Her experiences will keep readers on the edge of their seats, and the romantic tug-of-war will entrance them. Especially exciting is the conflict within each of the male characters between his public and private personas as well as the conflict between what Juliette thinks she wants and the reality of what she can have. Her adventures will appeal to readers who like a bit of romance in their dystopian fiction.-Saleena L. Davidson, South Brunswick Public Library, Monmouth Junction, NJ

    Copyright 2013 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Kirkus

    January 1, 2013
    Juliette, the girl with the deadly touch, struggles to fit in with the resistance movement that saved her at the end of Shatter Me (2011). In training to participate in an inevitable war against the Reestablishment, Juliette Ferrars should feel at home at Omega Point. In addition to no longer being a prisoner, she is surrounded by other people with supernatural gifts. Compassionate Castle tries to help her master her abilities, and Kenji tries to help her fit in, but the devastating nature of Juliette's power hampers her efforts. Additionally, Adam is acting strangely--in large part because of his work with Castle to determine why he is able to touch Juliette safely--which causes difficulties in their relationship. Soon some of her new comrades are abducted while on patrol by soldiers led by Warner's father, who demands a meeting with Juliette. The resistance is able to come away from the meeting with a hostage, Warner, who resumes his part in the established love triangle. Too much of the plot relies on Juliette's withholding of important information and revelations, even against her own judgment. The bloated relationship drama takes priority over the captive resistance members in the buildup to the climax, which finally brings action before setting up the next novel. Some quality worldbuilding, but the story only inches along. (Science fiction. 13 & up)

    COPYRIGHT(2013) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Booklist

    March 15, 2013
    Grades 8-12 Ready for round two? The war between the Reestablishment and its citizens is ramping up in this sequel to the steamy dystopia Shatter Me (2011). Juliette escaped from Warner and is learning the ropes of living in Omega Point, the headquarters for the resistance. There is some effort to train her to use her powers to help in the war, but she is just as interested in exploring the new world of being touched by her friend and love interest Adam. Adam is not the only one vying for her attention. Cue up the love triangle: Warner is being held captive at Omega, too, and he still wants Juliette to join forces with him. The first volume's fans will be thrilled with the secrets unveiled in this one; others might feel more like the rebel trainer, Kenji, when he says to Juliette, Stop crying. . . . Make a choice and stop wasting everyone's time. Here's hoping that the impending war will bring some much needed action to the series in the next installment.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2013, American Library Association.)

  • The Horn Book

    July 1, 2013
    Juliette struggles to manage her destructive powers, forge relationships, and develop confidence in this sequel to Shatter Me. The politics that drive the intriguing dystopian world and the rebel resistance Juliette joins are sometimes confusing, and the patriarchal attempts to own and manage the emotional heroine get a bit tedious. Still, an exciting cliff-hanger ending will likely lure readers back for the next installment.

    (Copyright 2013 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)

  • Ransom Riggs, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

    PRAISE FOR UNRAVEL ME: "The world of Unravel Me is terrifying and unique; its characters steam with passion, and Tahereh Mafi's bold, inventive prose crackles with raw emotion." — Ransom Riggs, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

    "Unravel Me is dangerous, sexy, romantic, and intense. I dare you to stop reading." — Kami Garcia, #1 New York Times bestselling coauthor of the Beautiful Creatures series

    "The story and character arcs are glorious and well thought out. Tahereh Mafi has proved herself a masterful plotter and storyteller." — NY Journal of Books

    "Juliette's experiences will keep readers on the edge of their seats, and the romantic tug-of-war will entrance them." — School Library Journal

    "Ready for round two? The war between the Reestablishment and its citizens is ramping up in this sequel to the steamy dystopia Shatter Me. Fans will be thrilled with the secrets unveiled in this one." — Booklist

    "It's time for war in the edge-of-your seat sequel to Tahereh Mafi's dystopian Shatter Me. Mafi creates characters that readers feel invested in. The lyricism of the first book carries over in this installment." — Shelf Awareness

    "Compelling and bittersweet." — Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books

    PRAISE FOR SHATTER ME: “Addictive, intense, and oozing with romance. I'm envious. I couldn't put it down.” — Lauren Kate, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Fallen series

    "Rip-roaring adventure and steamy romance scenes, with a relationship teens will root for as much as they did for Bella and Edward. Inventive touches propel the story, such as strikeouts that reveal Juliette's inner thoughts. The final chapters leave Juliette, Adam, and Warner well poised for round two." — Booklist

    "Fans of Cashore's Fire, Oliver's Delirium, and, yes, Twilight will find this addictive." — Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books

    "Mafi combines a psychological opener with an action-adventure denouement in her YA debut. This is a gripping read from an author who's not afraid to take risks." — Publishers Weekly

    "Fast-paced action scenes convey imminent danger vividly....Part cautionary tale, part juicy love story, this will appeal to action and adventure fans." — Kirkus Reviews

    "Teens will feel satisfied yet wait impatiently for more." — School Library Journal

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Tahereh Mafi
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