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New York Times best-selling author Dr. Sara Gottfried shares a new, female-friendly Keto diet that addresses women's unique hormonal needs, so readers can shed pounds and maintain the loss more easily. Most diet plans were created by men for men, but women's bodies don't work the same way. Popular programs can actually make it harder for women to lose weight, because they can wreak havoc on a woman's complex and delicate hormonal system. New York Times best-selling author Dr. Sara Gottfried has spent her career demystifying hormones and helping patients improve their health more broadly with personalized medicine. In Women, Food, and Hormones, Dr. Gottfried presents a groundbreaking new plan that helps women balance their hormones so they can lose excess weight and feel better. Featuring hormonal detoxification combined with a ketogenic diet that is tailor-made for women, coupled with an intermittent fasting protocol and over 50 delicious and filling recipes, this book shares a fat-burning solution that gets results.
New York Times best-selling author Dr. Sara Gottfried shares a new, female-friendly Keto diet that addresses women's unique hormonal needs, so readers can shed pounds and maintain the loss more easily. Most diet plans were created by men for men, but women's bodies don't work the same way. Popular programs can actually make it harder for women to lose weight, because they can wreak havoc on a woman's complex and delicate hormonal system. New York Times best-selling author Dr. Sara Gottfried has spent her career demystifying hormones and helping patients improve their health more broadly with personalized medicine. In Women, Food, and Hormones, Dr. Gottfried presents a groundbreaking new plan that helps women balance their hormones so they can lose excess weight and feel better. Featuring hormonal detoxification combined with a ketogenic diet that is tailor-made for women, coupled with an intermittent fasting protocol and over 50 delicious and filling recipes, this book shares a fat-burning solution that gets results.
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About the Author-
SARA GOTTFRIED, MD, is a hormone expert, a Harvard-educated physician-scientist, and a clinical assistant professor in the department of integrative medicine and nutritional sciences at Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University. She is the New York Times best-selling author of three previous books, including The Hormone Cure. She lives in Moraga, California.
June 7, 2021 Gynecologist Gottfried (Brain, Body, Diet) offers solutions to common midlife complaints in her comprehensive guide to speaking “the language of hormones.” She begins with an overview of key hormones (progesterone, estrogen, testosterone) and discusses how hormonal shifts can affect health; gut issues, she notes, often arise as hormone levels shift. When it comes to hormone imbalances, Gottfried eschews the “conventional” treatment—medication—and instead offers the “Gottfried Protocol,” a food-focused program involving detoxification, which “eliminates any... tired hormones that are clogging up your metabolism”; nutritional ketosis geared to “restoring insulin levels in women”; and intermittent fasting, which she argues helps balance hormones. Gottfried uses patient case files to illustrate success stories, while lists of do’s and don’ts and a meal plan with pescatarian, vegetarian, and vegan variations make her plan easy to implement. Gottfried’s “woman-to-woman” approach is consistently encouraging: “The goal is not to get skinny but rather to regain the healthiest possible version of you.” Readers looking for a holistic approach to rectifying hormonal imbalances will find this a well-marked road map. Agent: Celeste Fine, Park & Fine.
David Perlmutter, MD, FACN, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Grain Brain and Brain Wash
"An empowering dietary plan for regaining vibrant health." — David Perlmutter, MD, FACN, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Grain Brain and Brain Wash
"Readers looking for a holistic approach to rectifying hormonal imbalances will find this a well-marked road map." — Publishers Weekly
"Dr. Sara Gottfried knows that the majority of research and dietary recommendations are based on studies performed on men, and she understands how to make essential adjustments to those recommendations to protect a woman's hormonal balance and vitality." — Kelly LeVeque, author of Body Love and Body Love Every Day
"In a world where women's hormones are often misunderstood or ignored, Sara gets down to the basics and provides step-by-step instructions while teaching each reader how to personalize their own health journey." — Dr. Will Cole, New York Times bestselling author of Intuitive Fasting
"A must-have for women who want a science-backed plan to get their health back on track." — Nicole Avena, PhD, FACN, assistant professor of neuroscience at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, author of What to Eat When You Want to Get Pregnant
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