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The Keto Reset Diet
Cover of The Keto Reset Diet
The Keto Reset Diet
Reboot Your Metabolism in 21 Days and Burn Fat Forever
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NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Mark Sisson unveils his groundbreaking ketogenic diet plan that resets your metabolism in 21 days so you can burn fat forever.
“Sisson masterfully delivers a comprehensive guide . . . to finally achieve success as it relates to health and weight loss.”—David Perlmutter, M.D., author of Grain Brain
Mounting scientific research is confirming that eating a ketogenic diet could represent one of the greatest nutritional breakthroughs of our time—and that it might be the healthiest and most effective weight loss strategy ever. Going “keto” by eating high fat, low-to-moderate protein and low-carb foods enables you to break free from the disastrous effects of carbohydrate dependency by resetting your metabolism and promoting metabolic flexibility—where your body learns to burns fat instead of sugar for energy, even when you go off plan.
Unlike many other ketogenic programs that require challenging restrictions and deprivation or offer misinformation, Mark Sisson, bestselling author of The Primal Blueprint and publisher of the #1 paleo blog MarksDailyApple, presents a unique two-step, scientifically validated approach for going keto the right way. He first reveals the real secret to rapid and sustained weight loss, which is in becoming "fat-adapted" before entering full nutritional ketosis. It takes as little as 21-days to reprogram your metabolism to burn fat for fuel, by ditching processed grains, sugars, and refined vegetable oils in favor of nutrient-dense, high fat, primal/paleo foods—and you'll see immediate results. Next, you’ll fine-tune with Intermittent Fasting and then foray into full ketogenic eating for a further weight loss boost and improved health.  
With The Keto Reset Diet, you can eat to total satisfaction by enjoying rich, high-satiety foods, and even weather occasional slip-ups, using:
• Step-by-step guidance
• A helpful list of toxic foods to avoid and nutrient-dense food to replace them
• Daily meal plans, including a recipe section with over 100 keto friendly recipes
You’ll use keto as a lifelong tool to stay trim, healthy, energetic, and free from the disastrous health conditions caused by the typical American diet. The Keto Reset Diet is the definitive guide to help the keto-beginner or the experienced health enthusiast understand the what, why, and how to succeed with ketogenic eating.
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Mark Sisson unveils his groundbreaking ketogenic diet plan that resets your metabolism in 21 days so you can burn fat forever.
“Sisson masterfully delivers a comprehensive guide . . . to finally achieve success as it relates to health and weight loss.”—David Perlmutter, M.D., author of Grain Brain
Mounting scientific research is confirming that eating a ketogenic diet could represent one of the greatest nutritional breakthroughs of our time—and that it might be the healthiest and most effective weight loss strategy ever. Going “keto” by eating high fat, low-to-moderate protein and low-carb foods enables you to break free from the disastrous effects of carbohydrate dependency by resetting your metabolism and promoting metabolic flexibility—where your body learns to burns fat instead of sugar for energy, even when you go off plan.
Unlike many other ketogenic programs that require challenging restrictions and deprivation or offer misinformation, Mark Sisson, bestselling author of The Primal Blueprint and publisher of the #1 paleo blog MarksDailyApple, presents a unique two-step, scientifically validated approach for going keto the right way. He first reveals the real secret to rapid and sustained weight loss, which is in becoming "fat-adapted" before entering full nutritional ketosis. It takes as little as 21-days to reprogram your metabolism to burn fat for fuel, by ditching processed grains, sugars, and refined vegetable oils in favor of nutrient-dense, high fat, primal/paleo foods—and you'll see immediate results. Next, you’ll fine-tune with Intermittent Fasting and then foray into full ketogenic eating for a further weight loss boost and improved health.  
With The Keto Reset Diet, you can eat to total satisfaction by enjoying rich, high-satiety foods, and even weather occasional slip-ups, using:
• Step-by-step guidance
• A helpful list of toxic foods to avoid and nutrient-dense food to replace them
• Daily meal plans, including a recipe section with over 100 keto friendly recipes
You’ll use keto as a lifelong tool to stay trim, healthy, energetic, and free from the disastrous health conditions caused by the typical American diet. The Keto Reset Diet is the definitive guide to help the keto-beginner or the experienced health enthusiast understand the what, why, and how to succeed with ketogenic eating.
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  • From the book Chapter 1

    The Keto Reset Diet 101—­What, Why, and How

    I’ve been familiar with the ketosis aspect of ancestral eating for nearly two decades, but I always considered keto to be an extreme and temporary practice, perhaps suitable only for brief periods of fasting for aggressive fat reduction or as a last-­ditch strategy for the obese to right the ship and protect against a medical catastrophe. In the past few years, though, there has been renewed interest in keto, both in the sciences and among the most adventurous in the ancestral health movement, as a strategy with broad application to promote the esteemed goal of metabolic flexibility.

    Inspired by the thought leaders whom you’ll meet in this book, I started fooling around with keto several years ago, and I noticed some immediate, discernible benefits, especially increased mental clarity and reduced hunger. As my writing partner, Brad, and I maintained states of nutritional ketosis for sustained periods of time during the research and writing of this book, we both experienced significant health and athletic performance breakthroughs. Indeed, The Keto Reset Diet book is powered by ketones! As I’ll detail throughout the book, regulating appetite and developing the ability to survive—­and thrive—­on fewer calories is key to optimum health and maximum longevity. Owning this insight, though, requires a massive shift in mindset from the flawed “furnace will burn” thinking that represents one of the most destructive concepts in conventional dietary and exercise wisdom (details in Chapter 2).

    What Is Keto?

    “Keto” is a catch-­all nickname for anything pertaining to the metabolic state of ketosis, the burning of ketones, a.k.a. ketone bodies, or the dietary macronutrient composition (ultra-­low-­carb, moderate-­protein, high-­fat) that promotes the attainment of this delicate metabolic state. Ketones are a source of caloric energy in the body that are used by the brain, heart, and muscles in the same manner as is glucose (sugar). They are produced in the liver as a by-­product of fat metabolism when—­owing to extreme restriction of dietary carbohydrates—­insulin, blood sugar, and liver glycogen levels are very low. Most people go through life never getting anywhere near this state, and never experiencing the almost magical effects of this natural superfuel. Ketones and fat (since the burning of these two caloric energy sources always go hand in hand) help minimize the inflammation and oxidative damage that come from eating the modern grain-­based high-­carbohydrate diet. Keto awareness arises from the primal/paleo/low-­carb dietary movement that has become wildly popular over the past decade, but it is more specific with respect to required dietary macronutrient ratios; and it can be even more effective for weight loss, disease protection, and peak cognitive and athletic performance than a standard low-­carb diet.

    By comparison to the Standard American Diet (SAD), the modern ketogenic diet is very high in natural nutritious fats, moderate in protein, and ultra-­low in carbohydrates.

    Out on the street (which I guess today means the Internet), terms like “keto,” “ketone-­burning,” “ketogenic,” and “ketotic” are used indiscriminately to describe the burning of ketones for energy and the pursuit of (or existence in) a fat-­ and keto-­adapted state. You’ll learn about the differences along the way in this book, but it’s particularly important to understand the distinction between...
About the Author-
  • MARK SISSON is the bestselling author of The Primal Blueprint, a former world-class endurance athlete, and one of the leading voices of the burgeoning Evolutionary Health Movement. His blog, MarksDailyApple, has paved the way for Primal enthusiasts to challenge conventional wisdom's diet and exercise principles and take personal responsibility for their health and well-being.
    BRAD KEARNS is the President of Primal Blueprint Publishing, co-author (with Sisson) of Primal Endurance, and a former national champion and #3 world-ranked professional triathlete.
  • Melissa Hartwig, New York Times best-selling author and Whole30 co-founder "The exploding popularity of keto has resulted in excessive hype and ill-advised attempts to shortcut the process of fat-adaptation. The Keto Reset Diet takes a thoughtful, patient, lifestyle-focused approach to bring you all the health benefits without the burnout."
  • Robb Wolf, author of The Paleo Solution and Wired To Eat "Mark Sisson’s big picture strategy combining sensible dietary transformation with exercise, sleep, and stress management practices ensures that you will stick with it, and have fun while you’re at it!"
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The Keto Reset Diet
The Keto Reset Diet
Reboot Your Metabolism in 21 Days and Burn Fat Forever
Mark Sisson
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