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Rodale's Ultimate Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening
Cover of Rodale's Ultimate Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening
Rodale's Ultimate Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening
The Indispensable Green Resource for Every Gardener
Rodale's Ultimate Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening has been the go-to resource for gardeners for more than 50 years, and the best tool novices can buy to start applying organic methods to their fruit and vegetable crops, herbs, trees and shrubs, perennials, annuals, and lawns. This thoroughly revised and updated version highlights new organic pest controls, new fertilizer products, improved gardening techniques, the latest organic soil practices, and new trends in garden design.
In this indispensable work you will find:
• Comprehensive coverage for the entire garden and landscape along with related entries such as Community Gardening, Edible Landscaping, Horticultural Therapy, Stonescaping, and more
• The most in-depth information from the trusted Rodale Organic Gardening brand
• A completely new section on earth-friendly techniques for gardening in a changing climate, covering wise water management, creating backyard habitats, managing invasive plants and insects, reducing energy use and recycling, and understanding biotechnology
• Entries all written by American gardeners for American gardeners, with answers for all the challenges presented by various conditions, from the humid Deep South and the mild maritime coasts to the cold far North and the dry Southwest
Rodale's Ultimate Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening has everything you need to create gorgeous, non-toxic gardens in any part of the country.
Rodale's Ultimate Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening has been the go-to resource for gardeners for more than 50 years, and the best tool novices can buy to start applying organic methods to their fruit and vegetable crops, herbs, trees and shrubs, perennials, annuals, and lawns. This thoroughly revised and updated version highlights new organic pest controls, new fertilizer products, improved gardening techniques, the latest organic soil practices, and new trends in garden design.
In this indispensable work you will find:
• Comprehensive coverage for the entire garden and landscape along with related entries such as Community Gardening, Edible Landscaping, Horticultural Therapy, Stonescaping, and more
• The most in-depth information from the trusted Rodale Organic Gardening brand
• A completely new section on earth-friendly techniques for gardening in a changing climate, covering wise water management, creating backyard habitats, managing invasive plants and insects, reducing energy use and recycling, and understanding biotechnology
• Entries all written by American gardeners for American gardeners, with answers for all the challenges presented by various conditions, from the humid Deep South and the mild maritime coasts to the cold far North and the dry Southwest
Rodale's Ultimate Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening has everything you need to create gorgeous, non-toxic gardens in any part of the country.
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  • From the book Green Gardening

    Earth-Friendly Techniques for a Changing Climate and a Crowded World

    Our world has changed drastically since J. I. Rodale founded Organic Farming and Gardening magazine in 1942. Even in 1992, when Rodale first published Rodale's All-New Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening, we were just beginning to understand some of the global issues that are the topics of daily media reports today. We had heard about the threat of global warming, but many of us weren't paying attention yet. We didn't grasp the speed at which species could become extinct when their habitats were destroyed (or how quickly humans could destroy habitats). We were just figuring out that some popular garden plants, such as English ivy, could spread into woodlands and outcompete the wildflowers and other native plants. Gardeners in arid regions had begun worrying about water conservation, but overall, North American gardeners and homeowners were routinely lavishing water on their large, closely clipped lawns.

    Here in 2009, nearly everyone has heard scientists reporting on—and politicians arguing about—the best way to respond to melting ice caps, rising sea levels, and other large-scale problems related to climate change. Underlying these concerns, we're also wondering how the world's natural systems can cope with the world's ever-increasing population: less than 2.5 billion in 1942, about 5.4 billion in 1992, and 6.6 billion in 2008.

    One response is an exciting and inspiring interest in "green living." People are seeking ways to reduce their "carbon footprint" (the total amount of greenhouse gases produced to support their lifestyle) in order to slow the rate of carbon dioxide accumulation in the atmosphere. They're becoming more conscious of saving our precious clean water and more concerned about slowing the rate of habitat destruction and species extinction.

    Green living can involve some tough decisions, such as cutting back on your driving to conserve gasoline and finding ways to use less electricity and fossil fuel in your home. For many of us, the easiest and best place to start living greener is in our gardens, where making environmentally friendly choices is often downright fun. For example, you'll discover the pleasure of growing some of your own food. You'll enjoy choosing and planting shrubs, trees, and groundcovers that help shelter and support wildlife, and you'll find that they'll accomplish other useful purposes as well, such as cooling your home in the summer and providing privacy as more homes and people crowd around you. You'll feel a sense of accomplishment when you plan and install a special garden to divert rainwater into the soil instead of into the polluting pathway of stormwater drainage systems. Maybe you'll even decide to plant a stand of fast-growing trees or bamboo to offset some of the carbon you produce in your day-to-day living.

    Because organic gardeners have an attitude or philosophy based on respect or reverence for living things and natural systems, there's a natural link between traditional organic farming and gardening and a wish to grow and live "green": It's the knowledge that everything we do—in our gardens, our homes, our communities—has an impact on everything else. Every choice we make to use resources wisely, whether it's water, soil, organic matter (yard waste), paper goods, energy, even money, is part of our total impact on the environment around us.

    In this chapter we'll cover many of these green issues and suggest steps you can take for more earth-friendly gardening. We don't have all the solutions, and we probably haven't even named all the problems yet. But as organic gardeners and environmentally...
About the Author-
  • FERN MARSHALL BRADLEY, BARBARA W. ELLIS, and ELLEN PHILLIPS are all former managing editors of Rodale Garden Books. The three coauthored the 1992 edition of this title, in addition to having written numerous books and articles individually. Bradley lives in Cambridge, New York; Ellis in Chesterton, Maryland; and Phillips in Brienigsville, Pennsylvania.
    DEBORAH L. MARTIN earned a BS in horticulture from Purdue University. She's a former extension agent in the USDA's urban gardening program. Martin has edited books on gardening and contributes to Rodale’s Organic Life. She lives in Allentown, Pennsylvania.
  • Robert Rodale "Gardens are places to renew yourself in mind and body, to reawaken to the truth and beauty of the natural world, and to feel the life force inside and around you. And the organic way to garden is safer, cheaper, and more satisfying. Organic gardeners have shown that it's possible to have pleasant and productive gardens in every part of this country without using toxic chemicals. They make their home grounds an island of purity."
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Rodale's Ultimate Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening
Rodale's Ultimate Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening
The Indispensable Green Resource for Every Gardener
Fern Marshall Bradley
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